Course Aims and Objectives
IFRS standards are International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that consist of a set of accounting rules that determine how transactions and other accounting events are required to be reported in financial statements. They are designed to maintain credibility and transparency in the financial world, which enables investors and business operators to make informed financial decisions. The course is designed to develop participant knowledge and understanding of IFRS. Participants will learn how to apply them, as well as the concepts and principles which underpin them, and their application in regional settings and the international marketplace.
Course Methodology
This course on IFRS is designed to be delivered in an interactive style with an emphasis on the explanation of all key terms of the IASB technical requirements in a clear, practical format, including an overall review of the rationale and objectives for all IASB standards that are included in the programme. In addition, active participation by all participants through a combination of direct instruction, analysis and evaluation of practical case studies, examples and exercises to illustrate application of the standards as well as current and future issues and other “real life” examples will be encouraged.
On completion of the course, participants should be able to:
- Understand and explain the structure of the framework of international accounting and IFRS.
- Apply the fundamental principles of IFRS across a range of accounting topics.
- Acquire a broad overview of key IFRS definitions and concepts.
- Obtain proficiency in complex IFRS areas including financial instruments and business combinations.
- Apply relevant financial reporting standards to key elements of financial reports.
- Identify and apply disclosure requirements for companies in financial reports and notes.
- Prepare group financial statements (excluding group cash-flow statements), including subsidiaries, associates and JVs.
Target Audience
Professionals in the fields of finance and accounting, and professionals seeking to enhance international accounting knowledge, from companies implementing IFRS as the standard of reporting.
Course Outline
This course is covered in 12 major IFRS modules are described below:
- Understanding IFRS Framework
- Learning how to make presentation of financial statements
- Revenue recognition
- Business combinations and Financial instruments
- Consolidation
- The effect of change in Foreign Exchange rates
- Income taxes
- Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment property
- Impairment and Provisions/contingencies
- Employee benefits, Share based payment, Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
- Leases, borrowing costs, operating segments, events after the balance sheet date, change in accounting policies and errors
- Approach to IFRS conversion
Location and Date:
London |
16 – 20 Sep 2024
Cardiff |
EUPlatform reserves the right to alter dates, content, venue and trainer.
Course Fee:
Per Participant: £5375
Student Rate: £2665
Discount for group of 4 or more
Discount Plan and Refund:
Policies and Discounts
Group and Corporate Discounts:
We offer group and corporate discounts on many courses. These discounts are available for clients who want to maximize their return on investment.
Contact us for more Information
Individual Discounts:
We offer individual discounts on many courses for people who are self-sponsored and make their payment in full and upfront at the time of registration.
Contact us for more information.
4+1 Offer
For companies that want to maximize the return on their investment in training: Register 5 participants on the same course and dates and pay only for 4.
Registration Terms
Nominations to our public courses are to be processed by the client’s HR/Training department except for self-nominations which are to be paid in advance using the “payment by self” option on the online registration form. A refund will be issued back to the client in the event of course cancellation or seat unavailability. Registration confirmation is subject to Platform’s review of registration request and seat availability.
Cancellation Terms
If a confirmed registration is cancelled less than 5 calendar days prior to the course start date, a substitute participant may be nominated to attend the same course, or a 20% cancellation charge is applied.
Feedback and Complaints
EU Platform actively believes in continuous improvement. To this effect, EU Platform welcomes feedback related to its people, products or processes. If you have comments and/or suggestions which will ultimately help us improve in any way, please write to us on
and we commit to respond to you within 2 business days – at the most.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 1 week
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes